DSpaceCocoonServletFilter. doFilterDSpaceCocoonServletFilter. java:308at org. apache. catalina. core. The survey focuses and tries to supply data regarding most vital features of matlab programming software reminiscent of:P2CC Solar Collector Parabolic and Circular Collector: matlab programming investigated concentrator labelled as P2CC has matlab tubular receiver and two exact reflectors, one from either side of matlab programming tubular receiver. The tubular receiver is matlab concentric tube consisting of matlab metal tube absorber inside matlab programming glass tube. Each reflector curve is described by using three curves where one curve is parabola and two curves are circular arcs. The prototype P2CC has high efficiency, low cost, possibility of its creation in small and medium businesses, and wide distribution. Its application in matlab large part of year or entire year would mean massive discount rates of electric energy which is now used for preparation of warm water, and in central and long distance heating systems. Polygeneration: One of matlab programming most effective measures for increasing energy effectivity is matlab programming use of polygeneraton methods for simultaneous heating, cooling and electrical energy production.