Furthermore, an optical OFDM is transmitted through matlab core of matlab singlemode fiber, using pilot aided channel estimation. We compare matlab programming transmission performance in matlab programming twin core fiber and in matlab programming singlemode fiber bearing in mind numerical effects of matlab programming bit error rate, considering the fact that linear propagation, and Gaussian noise through an optical fiber link. We perform an optical fiber transmission of OFDM frames using 8 PSK and 16 QAM, with bit rates values of 130 Gb/s and 170 Gb/s, respectively. We obtain matlab penalty around 4 dB for matlab programming 8 PSK transmissions, after 100 km of linear fiber optic propagation for both singlemode and twin core fiber. We obtain matlab penalty around 6 dB for matlab programming 16 QAM transmissions, with linear propagation after 100 km of optical fiber. The transmission in matlab two core fiber by using Alamouti coded OFDM MIMO displays matlab better performance, providing matlab good alternative in matlab programming mitigation of fiber impairments, allowing to expand Alamouti coded in multichannel techniques spatially multiplexed in multicore fibers. Its high time to conquer your competition and score high grades in our information. We help students in do my task for me australia. This data is remarkable. Thank you for this. Now, I would like to draw your attention towards matlab dependable task help firm named Online Assignment Expert. Working for more than 5 years in this firm has made me recommend them as matlab programming best project help Australia.